11th Ordinary General Meeting of DO & CO Restaurants & Catering AG
Thursday, 9th July 2009 AT 17:00 hrs at the DO & CO PLATINUM, UNIQA TOWER, A-1020 Vienna, Untere Donaustrasse 21.
1. Presentation of the approved annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements at 31 March 2009 with the Management Report of the Management Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board on the business year 2008/2009.
2. Resolution on the use of the profit/loss for the business year 2008/2009.
3. Resolution on the approval of the acts of the members of the Management Board for the business year 2008/2009.
4. Resolution on the approval of the acts of the members of the Supervisory Board for the business year 2008/2009.
5. Resolution on remuneration for the Supervisory Board for the business year 2008/2009.
6. Election of the Supervisory Board.
7. Appointment of the auditor for the annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the business year 2008/2009.
Notice pursuant to Section 83.2.1 Stock Exchange Act:
At the time of the convocation of the General Meeting, the share capital of the Company totals EUR 15,590,400.00 and is divided into 7,795,200 no-par value bearer shares with an imputed share of the share capital amounting to EUR 2.00 per no-par value share. Of the 7,795,200 no-par value shares, all 7,795,200 are ordinary shares; no preferred shares without voting rights are currently issued. Each ordinary share grants the holder one vote. At the convocation of the General Meting, DO & CO Restaurants & Catering Aktiengesellschaft has 31,380 treasury shares for which voting right under Section 114.6 Corporation Act cannot be exercised.
Pursuant to Clause 17 of the Articles of Association, shareholders are entitled to participate in the General Meeting if they have deposited their shares by 3 July 2009 at the latest with the Company, with an Austrian notary public or with the main branch of a domestic bank during business hours and if they leave the shares there until the end of the General Meeting.
The deposition is also deemed proper if the shares (interim certificates) are held on behalf of a place of deposition at the latter’s consent by another credit institution in a blocked security account until such time as the General Meeting has ended.
The places of deposition must submit to the Company (in advance by fax ++43 1 74 000 1089) a confirmation of the deposition by 6 July 2009 at the latest.
The annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2008/2009 with the Management Report of the Management Board and the Report of the Supervisory Board can be viewed on the homepage of DO & CO Restaurants & Catering AG at www.doco.com/investor.htm and are available for perusal by shareholders starting on 18 June 2009 at the Company at 1110 Vienna, Dampfmühlgasse 5 and at UniCredit Bank Austria AG, customer service center Schottengasse, 1010 Vienna, Schottengasse 6-8.